Croatian Culture and History
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- Croatian Culture and History
Perun – mighty god of thunder, storms and heavenly heights
- access_time21 May 2021
- account_circleCroatian Culture and History

Perun, known as a lightning carrier and an invincible warrior, as Svarog's eldest son was one of the greatest gods, worshiped by some Slavic peoples as the supreme god. He inherited many goods from his father. His first deed and the gift of heaven was light and fire. By this...
Read moreVesna – the goddess of spring, love and harmony
- access_time15 May 2021
- account_circleCroatian Culture and History

Vesna is a lovely and sweet goddess of waking spring, youth and life and, according to some, she is even believed to be the wife of Svantevid. Vesna is the spring deity of the earth, dressing it in the attire of buds, flowers, grass and other greenery. She is one...
Read moreSvantevid – the bearer of light
- access_time 7 May 2021
- account_circleCroatian Culture and History

Svantevid or young Vid was the youngest, the most beautiful and the best of all Svarozici, the sons of Svarog. While the other gods had the same flaws as humans, Svantevid remained righteous in nature and pure as the sun. The strong and handsome young man was the dearest son...
Read moreMorana - Slavic goddess of winter, death and misfortune in love
- access_time17 April 2021
- account_circleCroatian Culture and History

In Slavic mythology, the name Morana is related to the pre-Indian word “mara” which means to die by force. As the goddess of winter, Morana was never popular among the Old Slavs, which is understandable considering the long and dark winters they used to experience. The arrival of Morana was...
Read moreCrnobog – god of darkness, evil and misfortune
- access_time 3 April 2021
- account_circleCroatian Culture and History

The Black God, as his very name says, is the black god of the Slavs - god of the night, chaos and evil. Slavs believed that all evil originated from this god, so he, of all other gods, was the least favorably disposed towards men. Misfortune could befall the Slavs...
Read moreThe beginning of time (as we know it)
- access_time19 March 2021
- account_circleCroatian Culture and History

People in many ways retell the story of creation of the world. The old Croats imagined that at first there was nothing but God. He slept profoundly for many thousands of years. When the time came for God to wake up, every look he took became a flash of light...
Read moreSVAROG – the Supreme God
- access_time13 March 2021
- account_circleCroatian Culture and History

Many gods were the object of their worship but, according to ancient stories and tales, it is believed that the Croats considered one God as the greatest and the mightiest of all, the creator of heaven and earth, the embodiment of honor and justice who created the world and the...
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